I was late today in starting my journey to work, coz I forgot to copy some files from my pc, but that is a long story…
It was like a normal battle field this morning, with cars battling to work. What caught mi attention as I approach the toll, was this tiny lil mouse or rat. Imagine this people, a rat bout the size of your knuckle, racing through the street which is bout 8 to 10 lanes. Imagine the feeling, the adrenaline rush, imagine you are the mouse. Imagine the havoc and atrocities… the lil being sped off but I was run over at the end of the road…
I know that you all would say, “it’s a rat/mouse”, “what’s there to it?”. Think bout it, don’t we all live like the mouse… don’t we all have experiences like the mouse…
Think bout it… in our daily life. Since we were born we have to deal with all the cute lil babies, family, relatives, friends and everyone else. They go like my baby said the 1st word, my baby started crawling, my baby started walking, and loads of other things.
Then it would be my baby started nursery, my baby started primary, my baby got 1st in class, my baby is obedient, I wan to be the best, I wan to be good and so forth. Now when it comes to the cruel working world, my baby is a doctor, a dentist, a lawyer, I wan to be successful, and so forth.
I think too many things I don’t even know what I have typed. Basically it’s the same, we are living like the mouse. We are racing here and there, climbing up ladders, flying up if possible, and may be dropping other down the ladder, pushing them off the cliff to get to the finish line. Do we actually stop and think about what we are doing now? Are we doing the right thing from the wrong thing? Are we hurting other people?
We often neglect those around us, petty things that we used to say “I can do that later/tomorrow/next week”. We tend to do that to our loved ones, family, friends and those we treasure… but we never did once stop and think, if we could not do that later/tomorrow/next week or even ever again. Then I guess we would do it now, at that moment. But does it have to come to that stage for us to realize the important things in our life. I am not saying that we should drop all things and go play, cuddle, spend time with them. What I am trying to express is that we do not live a complete or so to speak a balanced life. We should actually spend time with loved ones and at the same time have time to speed forward to success.
I am only human too, therefore I do make my shares of mistakes. But I try to stop and think before I act nowadays. I spend my weekends with my family now and I try to be there for those who needs me and even for those who does not need me, to make my presence felt. I am trying to make up for mistake I have done as well. With this I hope that my life will be more colorful and balanced.
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