Sunday, October 09, 2005

Stressed And Relieved

Got in the car, rev up the engine, and went on my way after work. I didn’t know why I was so hype up that day, may be it was because my I was practically freezing to death in the office. I was like wearing a jacket for crying out loud and still was freezing and my fingers were numb most of the time… curse you building integrated air con…
Well I was like swearing every one on the road that evening, I have actually suppressed and learnt to control myself but it was just not me that evening.. freaking not me…
But at least something later that evening made up for all the lack in self control and restored my self from that freak who took over the wheels a couple of hours earlier.
I went to this karaoke joint in Cheras… (yes it’s called NEWAY). I was there like 8 started singing until 11. I think singing does let me voice out my troubles and whatever I want to throw out. I was feeling like myself in no time.
I was actually still on my so called diet, there fore I didn’t really grab food from the buffet although it’s included. I only went out to the buffet counter once and I was so lucky at that moment they brought out the oysters, mmmmm, yum yum yum. I can never resist oysters and therefore I trailed behind the staff and took a plate waiting to grab some. But to my surprise there was this man who was more into oysters than me. He took a plate, as the staff lay the oysters 1 by 1 on the counter, this man was grabbing as he puts them down. Tsk tsk tsk!!!
He was like taking half of the serving at that time. Some people can really do it man, HELLO, think of other a bit next time ok. I took bout 5 pieces and left the counter with some lemon while he was still trying to grab lemons for his enormous feast of oysters. Nevertheless, I refrain myself from getting annoyed by the man and continued singing and be happy.
Overall the nite was fun, BTW, it was my 1st time singing in this branch and I could see some of the staffs are from BTS. Overall a very nice experience and definitely nearer to my house, but the jam was as usual “horrible”.
A good stress relief program, don’t you think so!!!


Winn said...

What's BTS?

Ya neway's nice. The food's good too. at least, they dont only serve fishballs like other cheaplak's....

zeroimpact said...

Berjaya Times Square my dear
Yup, one of the bestest dinner buffet wit entertainment...

Winn said...

or you mean bergaya time square??